Sakimaru takobiki damascus

Sakimaru takobiki with a beautiful damascus blade, 260 mm edge length.
Grind: Single bevel (kataba) for right-handed users.
Blade length (tip to heel): 263 mm
Blade height: 36 mm
Spine thickness at the heel: 3,5 mm
Mid blade thickness: 2,5 mm
Weight: 154 grams
Steel: Shirogami#2 with iron damascus clad (non-stainless)
Masashi Yamamoto is a highly respected blacksmith from Sanjo, Japan. His knives are entirely handmade and are of exceptional quality. This usuba is a true showcase of craftsmanship. The edge is delivered thin and razor-sharp. The flat side (uran) lies perfectly flat against the surface without the blade wobbling (hineri). If there was ever a time to use terms like masterpiece and perfection, this would be it.
The handle is made of burnt chestnut with a buffalo horn bolster, all in ocatgonal shape.
Feel free to read more about Masashi and see pictures from our visit to his workshop in September 2019.
Note: Carbon steel is not stainless! Always dry the knife thoroughly after use to prevent rust. The carbon steel will develop a patina over time in various shades, which is completely normal but can be polished off with polishing paste if desired.